
StepWideStepWide showcases the profiles of early career cis and trans women researchers from the University of Cambridge, UK.

You can perform a query by List View, Categories and Keywords. You can click in any of the research categories and subcategories below to retrieve
a subset of researchers with expertise on the field. The List View will show you a list of the researchers in the website and the researcher categories
linked to each one of them. Alternatively, view all the keywords linked to the researchers by looking into the Keywords.
Click on any of the researchers to see a full description of their profiles.

All Keywords 325 keywords

Active Learning 1 person

ageing 2 people

Airflows 1 person

Ancient DNA 1 person

Ancient Western Asia 1 person

Antarctica 1 person

Antibiotic Resistance 1 person

Antimicrobial Resistance 2 people

Applied computer science 1 person

Archaeobotany 1 person

Archaeological Science 1 person

Archaeology 1 person

artificial intelligence 1 person

Atherosclerosis 1 person

ATLAS 1 person

Atomic Physics 1 person

autism 1 person

Autophagy 1 person

Axon Guidance 1 person

Bacteria 1 person

Bacterial Evolution 1 person

Bacterial Infection 1 person

Behaviour 1 person

Behaviour Change 1 person

Behavioural Science 1 person

Beyond the Standard Model 1 person

Bioarchaeology 1 person

Bioassay Development 1 person

Biochemistry 1 person

biofouling 1 person

Bioinformatics 4 people

Biophysical Chemistry 1 person

Biophysics 1 person

biotech 1 person

Biotechnology 1 person

Brain 1 person

Brain Mapping 1 person

brain networks 1 person

Cancer 2 people

Cancer Genetics 1 person

Cancer Microenvironment 1 person

Cardiometabolic Disease 1 person

cardiovascular pathologies 1 person

Cell-autonomous Immunity 1 person

Cell Biology 2 people

cell migration 1 person

Cellular Microbiology 1 person

cellular senescence 1 person

Cellular Therapy 1 person

Chemical Biology 1 person

Chemical Engineering 1 person

Cities 1 person

Climate Change 1 person

Climate Change in the Past 1 person

Clustering 1 person

Cognitive Neuroscience 2 people

Collaboration 1 person

Community ecology 1 person

Comparative genomics 1 person

Comparative Literature 1 person

Computational Biology 1 person

Computational Design 1 person

Computational Psychiatry 1 person

Computer-mediated Communication 1 person

Conflict 1 person

Conflict-affected Area 1 person

Connectomics 2 people

Conservation 2 people

conservation genomics 1 person

Consultancy 1 person

Corpus Linguistics 1 person

Covid-19 1 person

CRISPR 2 people

CRISPR/Cas9 1 person

Critical Discourse Studies 1 person

Crops 1 person

Cryo-EM 1 person

Crystallography 1 person

Cybercrime 1 person

Cybersecurity 1 person

Data Analysis 1 person

Decision Making 1 person

Deep Learning 1 person

dementia 1 person

Dendritic Cells 1 person

Deposition 1 person

Development 1 person

Developmental Biology 1 person

developmental boundaries 1 person

Developmental Neuroscience 1 person

Developmental Psychology 1 person

Dibatic Foot Ulcers 1 person

Diet 1 person

Digital Printing 1 person

Digital Technologies 1 person

Digital Twin 1 person

Dimensions 1 person

DNA Methylation 1 person

Drosophila 3 people

Drug Development 1 person

Early Detection 1 person

Economic Evaluations 1 person

Education 1 person

EEG 1 person

embryonic development 2 people

Emissions 1 person

Energy Systems 1 person

Environmental 1 person

Environmental Factors 1 person

Environmental Stress 1 person

Enzymatic Catalysis 1 person

Epidemiology 1 person

Epidemiology of Chronic Disease 1 person

epigenetics 2 people

Europe 1 person

Exercise 1 person

Experimental Research 1 person

Extremism 1 person

Fabrication 1 person

Field Work 1 person

Filipino 1 person

flower 1 person

Fluid Dynamics 1 person

Fluid Mechanics 1 person

Food Security 2 people

Fruit Flies 1 person

Functional Genomics 1 person

Funerary Ritual 1 person

Future of Fuels 1 person

Galapagos 1 person

Gastroenteritis 1 person

Gender 1 person

Gene expression 1 person

Gene Regulation 1 person

Genetic Epidemiology 2 people

Genetic Susceptibility 1 person

Genetics 4 people

Genomics 3 people

German 1 person

Global Health 1 person

Global Risk 1 person

Hate Speech 1 person

Health and Wellbeing 1 person

Health Research 1 person

Healthcare System 1 person

Heart Failure 1 person

High Energy Physics 1 person

High-throughput Experimentation 1 person

History 1 person

Human Behaviour 1 person

Human Evolution 1 person

Human Gonad Developmental Cell Atlas 1 person

Human Norovirus 1 person

Human Variation 1 person

Hybrids 1 person

Identities 1 person

Image Analysis 1 person

Imaging 1 person

Immune-Modulation 1 person

Immune-Rejection 1 person

Immunity in Cancer 1 person

Immuno-oncology 1 person

in situ Sequencing 1 person

in vitro Pharmacology 1 person

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 1 person

Infancy 2 people

Inflammatory Bowel Disease 1 person

Interaction Design 1 person

invasive species 1 person

iPSC 1 person

Ischemia 1 person

Lab Experiments 1 person

Language 1 person

Learning 1 person

Learning and Memory 1 person

Linguistics 1 person

Liquid Biopsy 1 person

Live imaging 1 person

Local Economic Development 1 person

Loneliness 1 person

Machine Learning 4 people

Maghreb 1 person

Management 1 person

Mangroves 1 person

Manufacturing 1 person

marine ecology 1 person

Material Science 1 person

Materials Characterisation 1 person

mathematics 1 person

mechanical force 1 person

Mechanobiology 1 person

Medical Devices 1 person

Medieval Literature 1 person

Mediterranean 1 person

Membrane Traffic 1 person

Memory 2 people

mental health 2 people

Mentoring 1 person

Metagenomics 1 person

Metal Oxides 1 person

Microbiology 3 people

Microscopy 3 people

Mid-infrared Spectroscopy 1 person

Middle East 1 person

Minorities 1 person

Mobile Genetic Elements 1 person

Mobility 1 person

Modern China 1 person

Molecular Biology 2 people

Molecular Machine Learning 1 person

morphogenesis 1 person

Motivation 1 person

MRI 1 person

mRNA Processing 1 person

Mucosal Immunology 1 person

Multispecies Design 1 person

Nationalism 1 person

Natural Language Processing 1 person

Nematodes 1 person

Network Science 1 person

Neurobiology 1 person

Neurochemical Monitoring 1 person

Neurodegenerative diseases 1 person

Neurodevelopment 1 person

neuroendocrinology 1 person

Neuroimaging 1 person

Neuroscience 7 people

New Physics Searches 1 person

Object Recognition 1 person

Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) 1 person

Olfaction 1 person

Optical Chemical Sensors 1 person

Organoids 1 person

Palaeoecology 1 person

Participatory Research 1 person

Patient and Public Involvement 1 person

pattern formation 1 person

People and Nature 1 person

Pharmacology 1 person

Phycology 1 person

Planning 1 person

Plant Biology 1 person

Plant development 1 person

Plant Isotope Analyses 1 person

Plants 1 person

Plasmids 1 person

Plasticity 1 person

Policy 1 person

Political Economy of Health 1 person

Politics 1 person

Population Biology 1 person

Population Genetics 1 person

Poverty 1 person

Pre-clinical Studies 1 person

Prefabrication 1 person

Prehistoric Europe 1 person

Proteomics 1 person

Psychiatry 1 person

Psychology 1 person

psychosis 1 person

Public Health 1 person

Quantitative Analysis 1 person

Quantitative Genetics 1 person

Quantum Physics 1 person

Quantum Simulation 1 person

Quantum Technology 1 person

Radicalisation 1 person

Regenerative Medicine 1 person

Reinforcement Learning 1 person

Reperfusion 1 person

Research 1 person

Restoration 1 person

Revolution 1 person

RNA 1 person

Routine Data 1 person

Schizophrenia 1 person

Science Advice 1 person

Science Diplomacy 1 person

Science for Policy 1 person

Screening 1 person

Semiartificial Photosynthesis 1 person

Sensors 1 person

sex/gender differences 1 person

Smart factories 1 person

Smart Forests 1 person

Social Inequality 1 person

Social Sciences 1 person

Sociology of Higher Education (HE) 1 person

Soft Power & Symbolic Violence 1 person

Solar Fuels and Chemicals 1 person

Spanish 1 person

Spatial Genomics 1 person

sRNA 1 person

Statistics 1 person

Stem Cells 1 person

Stress 1 person

Stroke 1 person

Structural Biology 1 person

Supply Chain 1 person

Supply chains 1 person

Sustainability 1 person

Sustainable Development 1 person

Sustainable Livelihoods 1 person

Symbiosis 1 person

Synchrotron Spectroscopy 1 person

System Integration 1 person

T Cells 1 person

Timber 1 person

Tissue Mechanics 1 person

Trade 1 person

Transcription 1 person

Transcriptomics 1 person

Translation 1 person

Transmission 1 person

Transport 1 person

Ultracold Atoms 1 person

Urban Regeneration 1 person

Urban Spaces 1 person

Ventilation 1 person

virology 1 person

Vision 1 person

War 1 person

Wearable Sensing Technology 1 person

Woman 1 person

X-ray Microscopy 1 person

© 2025 StepWide


StepWideStepWide showcases the profiles of early career cis and trans women researchers from the University of Cambridge, UK.

You can perform a query by List View, Categories and Keywords. You can click in any of the research categories and subcategories below to retrieve
a subset of researchers with expertise on the field. The List View will show you a list of the researchers in the website and the researcher categories
linked to each one of them. Alternatively, view all the keywords linked to the researchers by looking into the Keywords.
Click on any of the researchers to see a full description of their profiles.


Add your profile to the site

If you are an early career cis and trans woman researcher from the University of Cambridge or affiliated institutes, you can add your profile to the site. Fill in this form and we will be in touch.

For anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing us stepwide.cam@gmail.com.


This website

This website showcases the profiles of early career cis and trans women researchers from the University of Cambridge, UK, and affiliated institutions. It originated as part of StepWide, a leadership programme that aims to support the next generation of female researchers.

We hope that by making the expertise and stories of early career women researchers more visible (and searchable!), will highlight how much they contribute to the research that is done in the University and affiliated institutions.

Who is it for

This website is designed for a wide audience, be it other researchers looking for particular expertise for a collaboration; the media looking for experts; those that are simply curious about what type of research is done in Cambridge, or those trying to get a clearer idea of what a ‘typical’ woman researcher in this years old institution does (there is no ‘typical’!).

The StepWide programme

StepWide was designed by 3 postdocs at Cambridge (see below for more on Marta, Laura and Cemre). It aims to support female postdoctoral researchers at the University of Cambridge, UK, from any discipline, who feel that taking a step into leadership is not for them. The programme is designed to suit both early and more senior postdocs, providing them with the skills to challenge the current ideas of what a leader is, learn how to raise their public profiles, as well as a close and supportive network of peer-to-peer female postdocs.

StepWide ran for the first time in 2019/2021, and we are currently running a new series of workshops in 2022/2023. We will post updates here when applications open for its next run.


Laura, Marta and Cemre (left to right on the photo) met at The Postdocs of Cambridge (PdOC) Society, at the University of Cambridge, UK. When the Researcher Development (RD) Pitch Competition was announced in late 2018, they felt this provided the ideal opportunity to work together to develop a leadership programme for women postdocs. They saw a gap in the current leadership RD provision, with a lack of opportunities that challenge current leadership views. Their proposal was successful and obtained funding for a one year pilot, giving rise to the StepWide programme.

Laura Fachal is a Senior Staff Scientist at Wellcome Sanger Institute. She earned her BS in Veterinary, MSc in Biotechnology and PhD from University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. She completed her postdoc at the Centre for Cancer Genetic Epidemiology, University of Cambridge. She is also a Research Associate at Lucy Cavendish College.

Marta Costa is a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Zoology. She did her undergrad in Biology in Lisbon, Portugal, followed by an MSc in Neuroscience at UCL in London. She then moved to Cambridge for her PhD, followed by a postdoc. She is also a Research Associate at Lucy Cavendish College.

Cemre Ustunkaya was a Post-doctoral Research Associate at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. She earned her BSc in Biological Science, followed by an MSc in Archaeometry at Middle East Technical University, Turkey. She later moved to Australia for her PhD in Archaeology at The University of Queensland. She is also a postdoc affiliate at Newnham College.


Thanks and funding

StepWide was funded by the Researcher Development Pitch Competition which included support from the Researcher Development Programme, The Postdocs of Cambridge (PdOC) Society, the Postdoc Academy, the Postdoc Chairs’ Network and the Careers Service at the University of Cambridge. We are very thankful for their support. We would also like to thank Alba Gómez for her expert support with the first version of the website, and to Arian Jamasb for redesigning and implementing the newest version of this website. Finally, we thank Natacha Wilson and Rebecca Nestor for the advice and support they provided for the development of the workshops.

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