Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow
Neuroscience, Object Recognition, Dimensions, Deep Learning
I am a Sir Henry Wellcome fellow currently working with Jim DiCarlo and Nancy Kanwisher at MIT and Zoe Kourtzi at the University of Cambridge.
I’m also a member of the Center for Brains, Minds & Machines.
Broadly I'm interested in how the primate brain process visual information. Specifically, I study how the primate brain recognises objects and the underlying computations of visual processing. I use fMRI, EEG, MEG, behavioural measures and single-cell recording data, together with computational modelling to understand these processes better. Currently, I focus on modelling the visual object representations using topographical deep neural networks and studying dimensions of object recognition.
After completion of a BSc in Biotechnology at the University of Warsaw, I did an MPhil and a PhD in Biological Sciences at the University of Cambridge. My PhD was in the field of breast cancer genomics where I worked with Jason Carroll. I collaborated with Simon Baron-Cohen using genomics techniques in autism research. During the PhD, in parallel to the genomics research, I started working with Marieke Mur and Niko Kriegeskorte to gain experience in cognitive computational neuroscience, investigating feature-based and categorical representations in object recognition, and face similarity and identity. Subsequently, I was a Humboldt fellow working with Radek Cichy at the Free University Berlin, studying animacy dimensions in object recognition.