ld429@medschl.cam.ac.uk @LeilaDorling
Research Associate
Public Health and Primary Care
Genetic Epidemiology, Cancer Genetics, Statistics
I am a Post-Doc in Doug Easton’s group at the Centre for Cancer Genetic Epidemiology within the University of Cambridge. Our group’s focus is evaluating how genetic variation contributes to the risk of female breast cancer.
I am a Post-Doc in Doug Easton’s group at the Centre for Cancer Genetic Epidemiology within the University of Cambridge. Our group’s focus is evaluating how genetic variation contributes to the risk of female breast cancer. My current role is to perform statistical analysis of data from a large genetics study of breast cancer patients, BRIDGES, set up by the international Breast Cancer Association Consortium. The idea of the study is to confirm and identify genes that play a role in the development of breast cancer. Those genes could then be used to identify women at high risk of breast cancer who might benefit from increased screening or prevention techniques. Before joining Doug Easton’s team, I completed a PhD also within the Centre for Cancer Genetic Epidemiology, under the supervision of Paul Pharoah, Jean Abraham and Gill Barnett. My PhD (“The Genetic Epidemiology of Adverse Response to Cancer Treatment”) explored the role of genetics in patient response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, given as treatment for breast and prostate cancer. Previously, I completed an MSc in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.