Research Associate
Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Darwin College
Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Computer-mediated Communication, Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Studies
I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the project Giving Voice to Digital Democracies: The Social Impact of Artificially Intelligent Communications Technology at the University of Cambridge, funded by the Humanities and Social Change International Foundation
I am based at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. I am also a Research Associate at Darwin College. Before coming to Cambridge, I studied English Linguistics and Web Technology at the University of Marburg in Germany. There, I also completed my PhD in Linguistics focusing on a critical corpus-assisted study of media and political coverage of the 2011 Arab revolutions. The findings of my dissertation were just published by Routledge under the title Discourses of the Arab Revolutions in Media and Politics. My overall research interests and background are in functional linguistics, critical theory and discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, new media and communication technologies as well as the instrumentalisation of language in states of socio-political conflict and crisis. My research as a Postdoc in Cambridge involves issues and problems that arise out of our interactions with language-based smart technologies. I have worked on quarantining online hate speech, misinformation, gender bias in machine translation, developing dynamic data statements and exploring counterspeech approaches to fighting hate speech.